Alex about PlasBossinade
PlasBossinade keeps an overall view and is conscientious
If the other party continues to adopt an attitude of legal combat, it is recommended to have a specialized office like PlasBossinade standing at your side. In times of heavily charged emotions and when talking is of no use it is good to know that the lawyers of PlasBossinade keep the overall view and convince the judge of what is legally right. Meanwhile I am in touch again with my children. A battle that really should not have been fought, has been settled to my advantage, also thanks to the conscientious way in which PlasBossinade has dealt with the matter. Whereas the fact that I could hardly see my children was enough to provoke a saint, we operated very carefully and therefore my relation of trust with my children has become stronger than ever before.
‘I can recommend the lawyers of PlasBossinade to anyone in a similar situation.'