Foundation PlasBossinade ProBono
PlasBossinade enthusiastically organizes special activities for groups of people in the Northern Netherlands who deserve a place in the sun. We organize and finance these activities from the Foundation PlasBossinade ProBono. At PlasBossinade everyone is proud to be a Northerner. Some were born and bred in the North and others came and stayed, but all of us share a sense of belonging in this region. PlasBossinade has been active in the North for over 100 years. The region has given us its confidence during all those years. We wish to show how much we appreciate this by means of the Foundation ProBono under the slogan ‘by the North for the sake of the North’.

Foundation PlasBossinade ProBono
In 2011 PlasBossinade ProBono was launched officially. PlasBossinade ProBono organizes activities that vary according to the target group. The activities are thought out and initiated by the board of Stichting PlasBossinade ProBono and implemented by that same board with the aid of colleagues of PlasBossinade. In this manner all at PlasBossinade are involved with PlasBossinade ProBono.
Financially we are supported by PlasBossinade, but apart from that we are dependent on donations from third parties. Do you wish to donate? You can do so by paying a contribution into account number NL74 RABO 0128 6551 49 in the name of PlasBossinade ProBono. Together we will then put a smile to many faces. Via this website of PlasBossinade we keep you informed of our activities.
Board of PlasBossinade ProBono
The board of PlasBossinade ProBono is formed by PlasBossinade people from all layers and consists of:
- Gerrie Breur, secretary
- Gert Bossinade, civil-law notary
- Saskia Ankersmid, junior civil-law notary
- Leonie Ettema, lawyer
- Miranda Steenbergen, facility manager
- Marleen van Mourik, lawyer
- Fabian Keijzer, junior civil-law notary
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our board members.