Drs Nico H. Bijl of A.B. Software & Consultancy B.V.

A.B. Software & Consultancy B.V
A.B. Software & Consultancy B.V. sells company-wide software from Exact to companies in various industrial branches and takes care of its implementation. Think of branches such as the food industry, chemic, metal, mechanical engineering and electro. With Exact software our clients steer the over-all industrial operations, from selling, purchasing, stock management, production planning, service up to finances.
Advice in various fields
We avail ourselves of the services of PlasBossinade in various fields. Think of the drafting or adjusting of employment conditions and delivery conditions, but also take in mind the legal structure of the company. For example, we turned to Stefan Mak for advice about the control and succession in the un-hoped for situation that one of the shareholders should die. A complex matter that entails tax aspects alongside the legal aspects. In matters like these it is essential to have things settled all at the same time in a perfect way. As far as we are concerned Stefan Mak has given us very sound advice in this process.
Making things understandable and interesting for laypersons
I noticed that Stefan Mak regularly puts forward items which we never thought of ourselves. Apart from that he has the ability to generate interest in matters that in my view are hypothetical and rather boring. This talent is what I actually see in all lawyers and civil-law notaries at PlasBossinade. Great professional knowledge and at the same time the personal skills to make matters understandable and interesting to legal laymen such as I. This is really in the genes of the organization.´
For more information about A.B. Software & Consultancy B.V. refer to www.absc.nl.