Mr ir Roel de Jong of Ingenieursbureau Wassenaar
Tremendous expertise
Ingenieursbureau Wassenaar is a constructive advisor on supporting constructions for buildings. We are involved with a lot of large and complex utility projects in the Northern Netherlands. For many years we have known to find our way to the construction lawyers of PlasBossinade, because they are the ones able to provide us with the expertise we need.

Preventing is better…
Whether it is about specifications, tenders, building contracts or construction faults, PlasBossinade assists us to view problems, more often than not of a technical nature, through legal glasses. PlasBossinade has the proper attitude in helping to prevent problems. This is even more important than the excellent service in the event that problems have arisen.
Combining several disciplines
When we were expanding our provision of services across the border the lawyers in the field of construction and international law have excellently advised and assisted us in enforcing an acceptable contract from the foreign client. The lawyers are approachable and can be reached quickly for short advice, enabling us to operate in the right direction.'