Mr Paul Schipper of Nedmag

Nedmag is a Dutch mining company that extracts very pure magnesium chloride-salt in Veendam. On the basis of this very pure magnesium chloride Nedmag produces high quality raw material that is supplied worldwide to a broad range of industries. Nedmag’s products are used in high performance refractory for the steel and cement industry, in oil and gas exploration, in breweries and dairy factories and winter road maintenance. With 90 % of its turnover outside the Netherlands Nedmag is strongly focused on export.
Large scale legal advice
Because of the many aspects of business operations at Nedmag there is quite often a need for legal expertise and assistance, also because Nedmag as a medium sized company (145 employees) does not have its own legal department. Assistance given by PlasBossinade may vary from drafting contracts and incidentally conducting legal actions on the one hand and providing legal-strategic advice on the other hand.
PlasBossinade recently gave us very good backup in the field of administrative law.´
For more information about Nedmag please refer to